

Neither of us are feeling so great tonight.

Robb has a fever. And I was rear-ended on the drive home from work today. I swear, my huge bright red car must have some kind of invisibility feature, because this is not the first time that someone has drive right into me. At least this time, no damage was done, and the other driver didn't hit-and-run.

My neck is sore tonight, and I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
I wish you two could just CATCH A BREAK for a change!!! Hugs and prayers are your way for sure!
Carolina said…
Too bad about being rear ended. We have never been a serious accident but have been rear ended something like 7 times. Only one dented our car badly but one time our bike rack got mangled. The driver claimed it was "invisible". Go figure.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad your not hurt other than a sore neck, but you surely don't need this. Good thing Rob wasn't with you. That could of been really bad. Praying for both of you.

Martha said…
I wish I lived closer so I could come by and visit you guys! Take care, both of you.
Eliza said…
Oh no! Feel better soon (also, for an invisibility cure you could put in a booming sound system so that other cars would feel your presence...) ;)
Anonymous said…
Meredith said…
Oh, no, oh, no. Y'all have been challenged so much lately. Sending thoughts for neck healing and general looking-upedness as the seasons change. You both deserve better.

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