The Lake Tahoe Gatsby Festival
Really, what's more delightful than playing dress-up with like-minded weirdos?
The lake and sky look like a painted backdrop in this photo, don't they? It was far too cold to swim in this snow-fed lake. I'm not sure the antique swimsuits would appreciate the wetting, either. If you're at all into vintage clothes, you'll know Debbie (on the far right) from her website, Vintage Dancer. When I met Debbie last year at this event, I could not stop myself from acting like a total fan-girl. I may have said something stupid like "You have caused me to buy so many shoes."
And speaking of shoes, it's totally normal for two people to pack six pairs of shoes and a half-dozen antique champagne glasses for a weekend getaway, right?
Another shoe-themed photo. The crew from American Duchess. I have so much respect for this company, who make superb historically-styled footwear. Click here for American Duchess shoes, and here for Royal Vintage shoes, their sister company.