The Customer is Always Righteous


As soon as I got off the phone, and finished griping to Robb, I sent the Robb's doctor an email about the situation. I was polite, but firm. I quoted the conversation, and asked him if there was some way he could help us.

Within an hour, Robb received a call from the head of the rehab department who must have apologized 19 times in a five minute conversation.

Apparently the medical equipment department has been a problem in the past, and now the head of rehab was on the warpath. She wanted names, she wanted numbers, she wanted times.

Another hour later she called back to say that our case would be expedited and handled by another office.

Just goes to show, it is possible to get resolution in situations like this. We were nice, but we weren't chumps. And it has to be said that our experiences with Kaiser have been wonderful. Believe me, Robb and I know about Incompetent Medical Administration, and that is not a sin Kaiser is guilty of. They are universally skilled and empathetic.


Unknown said…
let me just say I love the pic of the sweet little flower that looks like it's flipping the bird. I've been dealing with hospitals and etc. this summer because my dad's been very ill, and I appreciate more now than ever before how LAME many aspects of the industry are. Y'all are in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Funny how I thought the same thing about the flower! Or it could even be throwing its arms up in the air like a rapper "SAY WHAT? TAKE THAT!"
Anonymous said…
SO GLAD to hear this has worked in your favor.. so far. Make sure you always keep track of this type of shit- getting it in writing is a prelude to getting legal, and sounds like they were lawsuit-fearful, since what was told to you was NOT COOL or professional. Hopefully the idiot who said these things to you is looking for another job, since she is so ill suited to work at THAT ONE.

Kristen said…
It just kinda occurred to me, perhaps if you and Robb weren't so able to tolerate everything life threw at you...maybe life wouldn't throw so much crap at you. Have you considered pitching an almighty fit?
Like they say, "the squeeky wheel get the backbrace." I am happy you are getting a satisfactory resolution on this. I was worried when I saw the flower giving me the finger.
Debbie said…
You go girl! Love the bird on the flower. I really have found that you have to be your own advocate in health care or you could die before you get anything done.
Anonymous said…
The flower photo reminds me of a toy I used to have (my dad was in the military) and it holds the same pose as a plastic military soldier holding duel flamethrowers on either side of them, cocked and ready to be thrown into firing position. Sort of a Rambo-ish pose... Looks more threatening then giving duel fingers! perhaps this is how you felt when pissed off, eh? Cause I can sure relate sometimes!


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