looking for a source of corrugated metal in the SF bay area

corrugated rust
Originally uploaded by Jai-to-Z
Hey blog readers -- can you help me out? I'm looking for a source of sad, rusty corrugated metal. Ideally, I need about 240 square feet of this stuff. I need this for a project at work.

We've been calling local scrap yards, but aren't having a whole lot of luck.

Do any of you have a falling down barn with corrugated siding that you might want to sell us?

Or do you have some of this, rotting out in your back yard?

We'll pay, or swap good metal for bad.

We can come pick this up, if it's within reasonable driving distance.


Anonymous said…
You know about Urban Ore in Berkeley, right? If they don't have any, have you tried picking their brains re: who might - as in contractors they work with regularly?

Just a thought.

Lisa said…
We called them, and they had just sold everything they had.

We've spoken to every scrap yard and recycler in the Bay Area, it would seem.
Anonymous said…
post on Craigs List?
Anonymous said…
check the shade at honest al's auto wrecking or along the wall at the J I Case building, they are featured in a letterbox series called the Divine comedy
hart x6 said…
Fly to Jamaica http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.crw.org/tours/Jamaica/house_of_god.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.crw.org/tours/Jamaica/index.html&usg=__zUDLXN7c2ulgJGFtBjf-w1zUyFQ=&h=458&w=675&sz=25&hl=en&start=8&um=1&tbnid=dXm0VzVFG8zupM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=138&prev=/images%3Fq%3Djamaica%2Bhouse%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1%26ie%3DUTF-8 (4th pic down)

Anonymous said…
Got a lot of this on top of my neighbors shed here in PA- that wont help you, though. I know there is a light acid that can be painted on top of metal to achieve the rusted look- can't remember what it's name is, however.

Rusted metal like this is usually found UNDER piles of crap- I fear you may have to go around the area and pick through lots of junk to get what you need- get a tetnus shot first. Call city-wide garbage junk services and see what they have- scrapyards are a good idea but they may not want to collect the badly rusted stuff. Put out an ad on your local Craigslist and maybe you will find someone who will want to get rid of an old shed or something like that.

Do you have any street arabbers in your neck of the woods like there had been in Baltimore? Those guys know where every pile of junk is in a city, cause they usually have to navigate around them. So do the cops. Call the city's rodent control or animal control system, they know where piles of crap are in cities where areas are infested with rats. Oftentimes the rusted metal remains cause the rats have a harder time chewing through it.

Why can't you do a show that features cotton candy, instead?

Anonymous said…
I also know that cheap clear plastic is sold that is cast in exactly the same pattern as the sheet metal- maybe you can get some and paint it?


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