what does (almost) a million dollars buy in San Francisco these days


Since Robb and I are nervously awaiting word about the house we're hoping to buy and I want to distract myself, I'll share what an "average" almost-million-dollar house in San Francisco looks like, based on this week's real estate listings.

It is something like this.

That's a little over eight hundred square feet at $1,184 per square feet, and there's no yard.

The bathroom is awfully cute.

A million bucks will buy you an adorable converted fire station.

Plenty of room to house your vast collection of antique pinball machines, should you need a place to put them. I imagine it would be a bitch to heat.

This one, also just shy of a million dollars, looks weirdly like a house from the Simpsons.

And a few more....

This house is a thousand square feet, and almost a thousand dollars a square foot.

This is a semi-detached building, 1,633 square feet, and again, no yard. A million bucks.


Anonymous said…
Oooohh- Pick the fire station! Pick the fire station!

Anonymous said…
I don't want to make assumptions re: your income, nor do I want to ask about such a private subject, but seeing as how I don't consider myself low-income and we still qualified for our local down payment assistance program, as it's based on area median income (AMI), I just wanted to make sure you'd heard about such programs in the case that you qualified for your area program. Depending on the rules in your area, you may still be eligible despite having already placed a bid.

Good luck.
Anonymous said…
I vote for "THIS ONE" - what a cute little back yard. Very unusual.
Mama Bear said…
I can't believe that first one is in the same price range as all the rest. Wow!
Kaaren said…

Here, you can get a new 3897 square foot, two story home (not counting the 612 sq foot garage) for $242k.
Lisa said…
Yeah, the square footage (or lack thereof) is staggering.
Anonymous said…
I remain quite attached to our little casa in the fog cloud with a 20 minute door-to-door downtown commute. I also think Oakland is a very sound choice.

Mama Bear, the price delta is probably due to neighborhood (view, sun, safety, cache all create large $ swings)

the salad tongs
mamakin said…
OMG! I can't even imagine those houses at those prices! That little thing with no yard looks like a garage, the Simpson house has to be 2 family and it's still weird, but I would like the fire station - it's too cute for color tv!

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