Feeling a Little Behind...
This may seem like a tiny landmark, but I'm totally thrilled by this. (I should also note that Robb is nonplussed by my excitement on this topic.)
Since Robb has been stable enough to shower, he has been showering using a chair. Because of Robb's poor balance, a standing shower is just too dangerous.
On Thursday morning, he came out of the shower and told me that for the first time ever, he had been able to feel how cold and wet the chair's seat was when he sat down on it.
Yippee Hurray!!!!!
Robb has regained some more sensation in his butt!!!!!
Robb has regained some more sensation in his butt!!!!!
Go ahead...Leave a heart-warming supportive comment...We double-dog-dare you!
Snap him with a towel for us....
I'm working here for my pun.....
This is the first time I've ever been happy to hear about a cold and wet feeling butt. Here's hoping it's feeling warm and cozy too!
Annalisa, (in Michigan, where having a wet, cold ass happens for 5 months out of the year.)