Of Staghorns and Stinkhorns


The other day, my beautiful staghorn fern threw itself to the ground. It had been mounted to our garage wall, and for whatever reason, it came crashing down.

This plant was a gift from friends, and it had become an absolute beast.  I figured I might as well take this opportunity to divide and re-mount it.

After getting some advice from another friend who has the most glorious collection of staghorn ferns, I ruthlessly chopped the plants apart with a pruning saw.  

This was pretty daunting.  There was so much old growth to cut through.

I coaxed the plants into wire baskets and tried to avoid mauling the plants too badly.  I filled the backs of the baskets with sphagnum moss. Who knew that it was possible to buy massive cubes of moss?

The stag horns do look a bit like hunting trophies, don't they?

And what do the stinkhorns look like?  Perhaps the less said about that, the better....


K said…
Down here we have stinky dog stinkhorns. They resemble red pool noodles with the same icky stinky end. They have this gross brown sludge that resembles diarrhea on the ends.
Nature never ceases to amaze.

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