Because We All Need a Demented Kitty Skirt, Right?

What can I say about Smog?  I found him, almost dead, in the literal gutter.  He would stagger for about two steps, and then collapse.  But He Just Kept Going.  He's get back on his feet, stumble along for another step or two, before he'd collapse.  But But He Just Kept Going.  

This cat has been through so much -- he was probably hit by a car and healed up all wrong before I found him -- but he never loses his goofy spirit.  Nothing stops this cat.

He's not in the least bit heroic.  No.  Smog is a complete weirdo.  Look at that toothy grin, and those crazy eyes.  How can you not love a creature as strange this?

So, when I saw this vintage novelty fabric on sale last year, I pounced.  Because, clearly, I needed a demented kitty skirt, to go with my demented kitty.

I used every scrap of the fabric to make a Very Silly Skirt.  I found a remarkably close match to the cats' tongues, and used it for a waistband.  

I'm very pleased with my pattern matching.  Anyone who has ever worked with me will not be surprised by this. (This whole project will look better when I've pressed the fabric.)

I've really come to love inserting lapped zippers.  I've been doing this by hand, because I can't seem to get the tension right on my sewing machine for this task.  Also, I really like sewing by hand.

And there you have it, folks:  a skirt as silly (and rumpled) as my cat.  


Gossamer said…
Great tail and story. Lovely skirt. Thank you for sharing.
GG said…
Looks likeSmog needs a belly rub.
Anonymous said…
Love it!

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