The Pile Of Denial
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not afraid of an ambitious project. I tend to attack these projects fearlessly, and with no roadmap.
I'm not afraid to go on long excursions into terra incognito. I enjoy the challenge of figuring things out.
But occasionally this gets me into trouble, and I stall.
I had been working on this elaborate cable-knit sweater, when our house became infested with moths. It was carnage. The amount of wool (and alpaca) that was destroyed was staggering. And among the casualties was this partially-finished pullover.
While I'm generally fearless about initiating complex projects, I discovered that I was totally demoralized by the prospect of repairing a garment I hadn't even finished. The moth infestation truly upset me. So I did what any resourceful knitter would do: I turned to Ravelry. There I found a lovely local knitter, who genuinely enjoyed complex darning projects.
She did a beautiful job of repairing this fiendishly complicated (and hairy!) project. And Robb and I waged war on the moths.
And before I could finish knitting, the moths attacked again.
I felt utterly defeated. I threw the pieces of this garment into an airtight container, chucked in a handful of mothballs, and stuffed the whole thing into the darkest recesses of my closet.
I consigned the sweater to the Pile of Denial.