Bite You On The Butt


The garden is all about the persimmon tree, these days.  The local songbirds are all stopping by for a nibble.  This fine fellow paused long enough to pose for photos on our neighbor's gigantic bird-of-paradise plant.  He's an aptly-named Yellow-Rumped Warbler. I'm terrible at distinguishing the differences between various types of warblers, but he's a common and obvious species, so I'm willing to risk that identification.

 It seems we have both a female and a male Nuttall's Woodpecker visiting our tree.  The male is very camera-shy.  Even this lousy photograph shows a glimpse of his beautiful red head.

Most of the time, the birds all share the fruit.  Occasionally there's some squabbling.  

"Get away from my persimmon, or I will bite you on the butt!"

If you want to take a look into other folks' gardens, mosey on over to Daphne's excellent blog, for the weekly round-up.  It's always fascinating to see what's going on in gardens around the world.


Unknown said…
Do you not pick the fruit for yourselves? Or maybe you have gotten all you need? Just curious. Beautiful bird pics there!

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