Rev'd Up
We are very excited. Our fundraising ride is now eight days away. On Saturday, October 6th we will join hundreds of cyclists to support BORP's athletic programs for people with physical disabilities.
The range of physical abilities represented at this event is truly inspiring. There are Paralympian medalists, triathletes, world-class cyclists and local cycle clubs who will ride all day and cover a hundred miles. There are casual bike riders and handcyclists, recumbent trikers, visually impaired riders on tandems, all of us struggling to reach a personal goal of 20 miles or 40 or 50. There are children and adults cranking or pedaling or pushing whatever wheels they've got to cover the ten mile ride. This is the great thing about BORP: They can get nearly anybody moving and participating.

We hope that some of our blog readers will support us, as we raise money to keep this important work going. We are way behind in our fundraising so any amount, however small, will be hugely appreciated. Thank you.