Thanks for the Mail!


I want to thank everyone who has sent Robb some mail. The notes, the books and the puzzles are all greatly appreciated. I know that Robb is trying to be a good sport, but I really do think he's got to be bored out of his mind.

A special thank you to the person who addressed their mail to "Robb with the Broken Back." Our postal carrier refuses to believe that Robb is actually disabled, and won't let us move our mailbox to a place where Robb can actually retrieve our mail. Most days, Robb has to wait until I get home from work before he can read the mail.


Anonymous said…
You might try contacting your local Post Master about your need to move the box. The letter carrier actually doesn't have any control over where you place it, they can only tell you to put it back where it was. If you send a letter addressed "Postmaster Oakland CA 94601" it will get to the only person in your area who might be able to help you. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
I'll also send mail to "Robb of the broken back and good humor and cleft chin". Maybe repeated attempts will finally convince that person!

km said…
Have you read any Jasper Fford?
If I was trapped in the house for days on end, there's no one I'd rather be trapped with. Except maybe Jane Austen.

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