No, Really!

I'm terribly embarrassed that people thought that the list I wrote was a "please buy these things for us" type list. It was just a stupid count of things that I had bought for our household, after Robb broke his back on Monday.
Please don't send us blankets, or yarn. We have plenty of both.
Your good thoughts are more than enough.

I'm terribly embarrassed that people thought that the list I wrote was a "please buy these things for us" type list. It was just a stupid count of things that I had bought for our household, after Robb broke his back on Monday.
Please don't send us blankets, or yarn. We have plenty of both.
Your good thoughts are more than enough.
I would like some very heavy wooden posts for my barn renovation, please! Also drywall. Also concrete. And several carloads of half price Halloween chocolate!
And while you are at it please send me some good weather before winter bites my butt before I finish several outside projects!
I read your earlier post about the lonesome road of a long recovery- I am joining you there, as my husband is now past the first wave of chemo (and the accompanying support it brings) and into the maintenance chemo phase. It's a long road that has no end (his cancer is not curable), but people really don't know what to do/say when there is no end in sight. I know they still care, but I also know that their own life events and everyday lives will (rightly) keep them busy and we will be secondary thoughts until the next big crisis happens with my husband. I am trying to remember that they will step up with anything I need if I ask- it's just very hard to do the asking.
So, though I am usually just a lurker, know that you have someone out here wishing you well, crossing fingers for a speedy healing of the latest break and steady progress on the old for Robb, hoping for peace of mind for you both.
Take care.
this is a videoklip about big cats getting pumpkins to play with:)
it's just a short moment of enjoyment:)
I recommend watching the movie called The Hangover. Its very funny. Funny and stupid. And sometimes funny and stupid is good.
When I came back from years of sickness over seas and was trying to heal, I watched every episode of Married with Children I could find, And its magnificent humor was much needed. I am convinced it helped me as much as the year long treatments at Johns Hopkins. (And it was a hell of a lot cheaper). And I would watch it after I dragged myself back from my stupid exhausting job (while sick) that ended at 2 am, Before I would have to go back to work at 9 am the next day,(while sick) so I could have health coverage, so it could reject my medical claims retroactively. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want National Health Care.
There is never enough yarn...ever. It needs it's own room, special boxes that you can see through to be sure all the yarn is still sitting in there, an assortment of needles, hooks, st markers, cable needles, and cute bags to carry it around in.
I hope you're feeling better and soon realize the truth of what I'm saying, grab a couple of needles and make me, I mean you, something beautiful, and some new socks for Robb-there are no better socks than hand knit socks. *everybody* knows that!!!!