

When we first looked at our little house, the plum tree in the back yard was full of fruit. This became a bit of am obsession. I tried to talk Robb into accompanying me on a fruit-raiding mission, before we ever bought the place.

Now, almost a year later, the plum harvest is just ending. For whatever reason, the tree wasn't popular with honey bees this past spring. The bees ignored the plum blossom, and swarmed all over our pittosporum tree. Strangely, the pittosporum tree is blooming for the second time this year, and the bees are now ignoring it.

Very few of our plum blossoms were pollinated, and very little fruit was set this year. Most of the plums were at the top of the tree, so Robb attached a bamboo extension to the fruit picker I bought, and we worked on our circus balancing act in the back yard. I finally started getting better about not dropping the fruit on the ground when the harvest ended.

I'm hoping that next year's plum crop is larger, because these plums were delicious. Tart and sweet, and so very juicy.

The cats even developed an interest in the plum tree. But I discouraged them.

"Sleeves" was not happy about my interference. Anyway, it wasn't plum that he was after.

I love our crazy fructivore squirrels. I figure as long as they leave us the low hanging fruit, we can all share the harvest.

This approach worked pretty well with last autumn's persimmons.


Anonymous said…
Sometimes when a lot of work has been done in a yard, the trees go into a type of defense mode-, especially if roots nearby have been ripped up. Let it go another year- some trees produce heavily every other year anyway. Does it ned to be pruned? If its a nice old tree, it may be a heritage variety and they have their own timetable for production. Here it is very dry, about to become terribly dry, and I have to water the crap out of my raspberries if I want any fruit this year.

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