A Handmade Easter

Today was our mostly-annual Egg-Stravaganza. Since I'm so horrible at taking photos of humans, and since the eggs were so splendid, I'm just going share close-up photos.
I love how everyone "got" the concept of wax-resist. And I really, really love how everyone created such unique Easter eggs. Some were intricate.

And some were delightfully to-the-point. Gotta love this egg head. I like the addition of drawing on top of the dye.

Sinuous flowers, in beautiful colors. Really lovely, and very reminiscent of Eastern European folk painting.

Elaborate fish, and argyle. How many times can I type the word "love?"

Pink and purple hearts are always popular.

Over the years, I've amassed quite a few nifty egg-decorating tools. The egg lathe is great for people who want a certain amount of control.

This is an egg I decorated a few years back. Somehow, I never seem to decorate eggs at my own parties. (As I said, pink and purple hearts are always popular.)

And speaking of lovely things, Ashley decorated all her eggs while holding her little Henry. Today is his second-month birthday. Love. Love. Love.
Today was our mostly-annual Egg-Stravaganza. Since I'm so horrible at taking photos of humans, and since the eggs were so splendid, I'm just going share close-up photos.
I love how everyone "got" the concept of wax-resist. And I really, really love how everyone created such unique Easter eggs. Some were intricate.
And some were delightfully to-the-point. Gotta love this egg head. I like the addition of drawing on top of the dye.
Sinuous flowers, in beautiful colors. Really lovely, and very reminiscent of Eastern European folk painting.
Elaborate fish, and argyle. How many times can I type the word "love?"
Pink and purple hearts are always popular.
Over the years, I've amassed quite a few nifty egg-decorating tools. The egg lathe is great for people who want a certain amount of control.
This is an egg I decorated a few years back. Somehow, I never seem to decorate eggs at my own parties. (As I said, pink and purple hearts are always popular.)
And speaking of lovely things, Ashley decorated all her eggs while holding her little Henry. Today is his second-month birthday. Love. Love. Love.
The eggs are just fab, and I covet your lathe. (I don't think I've ever typed that sentence before in my life!)
Happy Egg Day, dear.