Our Cat Misses Us

Robb and I have been spending all of our free time at our new/old house. Linguine does not accompany us. We don't have screens on most of the windows, and we tend to keep the back door open, and I'm worried that she would wander off and get lost.
When we get home, it is way past her scheduled dinnertime, and she is obviously very hungry. She's always waiting at the door of our apartment.
What's so sweet is that although we feed her before we do anything else, she's not content. She literally cannot eat her food until we engage in what we call the Frenzy of Greeting. Our cat requires serious cuddling, before she can settle down to supper.
This was actually confusing at first, because after I fed her, so would stand by her bowl giving me a demanding stare. She wanted something other than what I had given her. She wanted Love.
Linguine, it seems, never got the memo about how cats (and in particular semi-feral barn cats) should be aloof and remote in their relations with humans/food dispensers.
Robb and I have been spending all of our free time at our new/old house. Linguine does not accompany us. We don't have screens on most of the windows, and we tend to keep the back door open, and I'm worried that she would wander off and get lost.
When we get home, it is way past her scheduled dinnertime, and she is obviously very hungry. She's always waiting at the door of our apartment.
What's so sweet is that although we feed her before we do anything else, she's not content. She literally cannot eat her food until we engage in what we call the Frenzy of Greeting. Our cat requires serious cuddling, before she can settle down to supper.
This was actually confusing at first, because after I fed her, so would stand by her bowl giving me a demanding stare. She wanted something other than what I had given her. She wanted Love.
Linguine, it seems, never got the memo about how cats (and in particular semi-feral barn cats) should be aloof and remote in their relations with humans/food dispensers.
No, no, no. . . for that you need a Calico!