

Here's a fascinating quiz I found online. Unlike many of the quizzes one sees, ("Which steam-punk cliche are you?" "Find your secret admirer!") this one has some real substance.

Click this link, and then select the presidential candidates that you might be considering. Answer the questions you agree or disagree with (skip the ones that don't apply) and you'll see which candidate's stated views are most in line with your own.

Are you all willing to share your results, and if you were surprised by what you read?


Laura said…
Does it make me a political junkie if I knew who had said more than half those quotes? And of course my closest matches (Richardson anyone?) are going nowhere, but I knew that going in.

In some ways though, deciding who to support in an election is more than just finding a checklist of which views most closely match your own.

The inspiration of true leadership, a will to work cooperatively and bipartisanly, the ability to get people to sign on and then work enthusiastically to carry out your vision...those qualities are so important in a Commander-in-Chief and are impossible to reduce to three-sentence paragraphs.

Good site, much meat to think about.
Anonymous said…
There isn't enough difference in the candidates responses to form any kind of opinion.
Anonymous said…
Too late for me...Here in NH it is all over except the sign removal!
Mr. Yuk said…
I took a poll like this one yesterday, except you choose where you stand on issues and it tells you which candidate is most like what you stand for. I'm 93% in agreement with Dennis Kucinich. Too bad he has only 1% of the poll results.
Anonymous said…
My political leanings were reinforced :) I'm a hardcore democrat all the way. I agreed almost unanimously with Richardson and Clinton.

I can't say that I'm that surprised, but it did give much to think about.

Jimmy said…
I started taking the quiz but when I started reading the quotes I realized they were just quotes by the politician saying what they thought the people wanted to here. You can't really pick a candidate on that you have to look at their past policies and voting records.
Lisa said…
Well, we're not suggesting that this is the way to pick a candidate, but taking the quiz is an interesting exercise.
Anonymous said…
yep, it's official, i am a democrat, should have known that since im an episcopalian as well! (jk) my husband is a staunch republican, you should hear our fights! very interesting quiz, i am sad to say that i agreed with fred thompson on four things, im so ashamed!

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