Gray Matters


It has been rainy and gloomy here in Sunny California. Robb seems to be going through a low-energy period, and I'm still struggling with the symptoms of hepatitis.

I know I'm feeling a lot better, but I'm still not what I would define as "well." At least I have the energy to knit, again.

The sweater I'm making for Robb (pictured above) is a never-ending project. I have to knit over three thousand stitches in order for the sweater to grow an inch in length. I swear, I'll be ninety-seven years old by the time I finish it.


knitica said…
Well then, Robb better not change clothing size before your 97th birthday.
Anonymous said…
Wow- all those stitches before it's done? Why don't you do what Walmart does and export your project to some Chinese people?

Kristen said…
always impressive. i get about four stitches in before i realize my finger is inexplicably knitted into the row. my mom and I got a charge out of the wall-clinging post.

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