
Robb works almost every day with therapist from Rehab Without Walls. There is a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a social worker (who we haven't seen much, as she is on vacation).

Robb concentrates on day-to-day skills with Marcella, his occupational therapist. Today, he cooked lunch and vacuumed and also worked on balance and walking the stairs. In this photo, Robb is working on improving his balance by holding objects above his head, and moving his arms around. He's in the bedroom so that in case he falls, which is unlikely, he will land in the bed.

And let's enjoy a close-up view of Mister Firdusi, who is observing from the bench:

Later in the afternoon, Robb worked with Doreen, the physical therapist. Robb went through a series of exercises that are for strengthening the muscles in his legs and feet. He also worked on balance. One of the exercises that Doreen wanted to work on was with Robb involved lifting small objects with his toes. First they considered a whisk, and then we all had a good laugh when they tried the lint roller. That thing stuck to Robb's feet as well as the towel under his feet.

I was in the other room, talking on the phone with the insurance company while they were trying to find the perfect prop. I realized that the finger puppets that Gina and Liam sent would be ideal.

Gina and Liam had made a puppet theater for these creatures as part of a wonderful get-well package.

This may all look really silly, but it was only three weeks ago that Robb could move any of the toes on this foot at all.

Mister Firdusi isn't convinced about any of this...


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