
Showing posts from October, 2009

Happy Birds

Helping our Pacific Northwest neighbors


Ahh!... The Digital Age

Another SF Bay Oil Spill!

No, really, I'm not growing a mustache.

Happy Birthday to Lisa

Who are you calling "bird brained?"

What, exactly, are the bees' knees?

"before" photos

happiness comes in tiny packages

Getting My Feet Wet (Revisited)

It's a good thing I'm not easily freaked out.

Blue Eyed Grass, and other wildflowers



Oh, Honey!

McGyver would be proud

The Birds and the Bees (or something like that).

Motivated to get well

On the mend...I hope!

Messing About in Boats

Our old house is a bit saggy (but what do you expect from an 84 year old?)