Messing Around with Time Lapse


I've been wanting to shoot some time-lapse movies of the work in my studio, and so Robb (because he is a total sweetheart) figured out what gear we'd need to make this happen.

We shot some silly videos, to help us understand the process.  Here's the view from the watering hole.  Crazy Lydia sure stays well-hydrated.

This is a typical summer evening at the our place. Linguine serenely watches over everyone else's fidgeting. Smog sure has twitchy ears, doesn't he?


Anonymous said…
This looks like a French Impressionist painting come to life! Also, last time I saw Robb he was completely dependent on using a walker to get around. Progress has been great!

Mel said…
I love this little glimpse of your place and the happy hanging out. Just lovely!
Lisa said…
Think of it as an invitation to our Bed and Breakfast.
Lisa said…
Gosh, it has been a long time since we've seen you.
K said…
Who knew chickens are so funny on time lapse?
I love your canopy in the back yard. Did you put it together yourself? Love the colors.

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