Free Oats!


I don't suppose you live near Oakland California, and have use for an awful lot of organic oats?

The theater where I work used whole oats in a recent show, and I took them home when the show was over.  I figured that my hens would enjoy a bit of oats, from time to time.  But I got more than I bargained for.  We've filled a thirty-one gallon trash can with oats, and haven't begun to make a dent on our granary. 

Do you have chickens, or goats?  Do you want to stop by our place in East Oakland, and collect a couple of gallons of free oats?  Just let us know, and we'll fix you right up.


Unknown said…
Does anyone else see the cat in the center of the photo?
Really, I see an image of a resting cat.
Lisa, apparently you cannot, not be artistic.
Anonymous said…
Can anyone say "oatmeal stout"? If you have any when we get back from our road trip I'll help you out.

Doug... aka Dbare
Dolores said…
Hello, I found out about your oat glut from Yolanda at Pollinate. I could use some oats for my chickens. Please let me know if you still have them. Thanks.

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