A Sticky Subject


I've been a rotten blog-writer, of late. I'm not really sure what's going on. Allergies?  Depression? Sheer stinkin' laziness?  Being burnt out?  All I know is that I've been feeling deflated and unmotivated for far to long. My main activities have been moping around the house and going to bed early.

Even when I do something fun, like organizing this make-your-own-dressform class, I fail to share the photos on my blog. 

I've got a backlog of things I want to share, and I'm feeling like they're all too stale and old and not worth writing about.  I've gotten myself into a rut that I can't seem to pull myself out of.  What the hell is wrong with me?


Just write the stories in another place, as you live current life, and then post them, saying something like, "In February we did such and such." People read blogs because blogs give them a window into another person life, interesting, in the world where ordinary people pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and go on living. We don't get much of this normalcy out of the media these days so we turn to blogs and the zany, thoughtful, inspiring, gardening, etc., etc., people who write them. What you do is so interesting! *Underlined and starred*. Sorry this is so long.
K said…
You know how in Job God asks Satan what he's been up to and he says, "From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." I'm sure he's going around with his minions spreading gloom and crummy feelings, among other things. Let's blame blah days on that.
I love reading your blog. I check it far too often. You have a real knack for lifting others, and maybe that's why the devil's on to you. Trying to keep you from spreading your wealth of information, uplifting activities and encouragement. So thanks for the posts. Maybe someday I'll stop being such a rotten blogger. ;)
P.S. How was the eggstravaganza?
Mel said…
I had this feeling earlier this year. That I had nothing to say that wasn't whiny or negative or boring, and it was hard to fake happy.

I hope you are not in this type of depression, but I think this blogger's comment really describes it well. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2013/05/depression-part-two.html
kristin said…
I'm not a doctor, but through all my reading of M.D.s of Integrative medicine I've learned that the health of your mind is based on the health of your gut. It sounds to me like you may need to replace the good bacteria and you will begin to feel better. If you drink some kefir or kombucha it will help you. You are welcome to come over and I've got the grains for water kefir and I'll teach you how to make your own. Sorry if this offends, but I'm really fired up about it because it has helped us.
Julie said…
Hope you find your way back to yourself soon!
Really and truly, Lisa, I know a lot of talented, beautiful and creative people and you easily rank in the top 5. Being so capable might be a burden and could explain the exhaustion but there are those who are feeling as you do and have far less to fall back on. Know that there are loads of folk out here who love you and are rooting for you. It will get better.
Unknown said…
This too shall pass... I do wish I could pop 'round with a reviving potion, but must content myself with kind words from afar. Please do remember that the point is really for you to go out and DO fun things, not to report them to us. Or go to bed early and say to hell with us. We'll still be around when you feel livelier!
Anonymous said…
When all else fails... make fun of your funk. Use humor. We all get into moods, and sometimes we just can't identify what it is.

Yesterday I was in one of these moods. I didn't want to get up out of my chair. Finally turned off the depressing news... because really, what am I planning to do to change cruddy things going on in the world. Nothing.

I dragged myself outside and made myself go for a bike ride. I noticed the shadows and dapples the light made through the trees. I smelled the flowers and other woodsy smells. I breathed fresh air. Slowly, felt that mood fade a little. Today, I have to work in the evening. I think I will go for another bike ride or a run. Do an errand, tidy up a little, (not too much, because that just sounds like more drudgery), and go to work. Not exciting... but much better than sitting in the chair. A small feeling of accomplishment.

Anonymous said…
As one who makes costumes for plays and alters stuff for friends, this looks like such a COOL class!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Lisa,
I started reading your blog years ago when I was letterboxing. Your blog has grown out of a need to update people about Robb, but I always thought you continued because you love taking pictures and sharing what you guys are interested in at the time. If it is a chore rather than a joy you could give yourself a break. Your readers will totally understand!! The reason to make it official is for your peace of mind. "I don't have to feel bad about not posting this month. I am on a break."
My 2 cents, from Leah in Centralia

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