Goin' to the Chapel.....


This Saturday, I'll be performing the wedding ceremony of my friends Sheri and Kyle.   Sheri is a wonderful artist, and a former intern of mine.  As you can see, we take ourselves very seriously.

I think we've written a beautiful wedding ceremony.  I'm very excited and happy, and more than a little bit nervous.  It's going to be loads of fun, but I do need a pep-talk to help me with my worries about public speaking. 


Nancy Lewis said…
I used to be terrified of even small groups, and am still not completely comfortable with public speaking. I've done all sorts of talking to myself about this and one day learned that I could separate myself from the "gift" I was presenting; that I was just the vehicle for something I was glad to present, or do, and I was able to get excited about how well I could make the audience understand, or be inspired, or whatever the goal.
I talk like I'm an expert. Ha.
Pepe talk : no one is going to really be paying attention to you. they're going to be paying attention to the couple. you can relax and just be yourself. take it from a pastor: really, no one will remember you - unless you do something absolutely stoopid, like throw up on them. Other than that, just kinda go with the flow. It's gonna be a great day, and if anything goes wrong, it makes for a great story to tell for years to come!!
Emily said…
Don't look at the rest of the crowd- just look at the two in front of you and get caught up in their magic...
K said…
Take a free online course from BYU on public speaking!


...by Saturday. ;) Actually, just take a deep breath and be yourself. You're pretty amazing.
Stefaneener said…
We were married by a friend -- a friend we chose because he had lots to say and seemed very positive about us being married.

At our wedding, he said, "Being married means never having to say you're sorry." That was IT.

Our wedding was seven minutes long.

As long as you read the script, you will do better. Much better.
Lisa said…
Robb and I spent most of tonight working on the ceremony. I feel really good about it.
Amy Marr said…
I officiated at my friends' wedding a few years back. No one remembers anything I did or said, which is how it should be.

I should mention that I was big-as-a-house-pregnant with my second child at the time. So it's not like I didn't take up a huge amount of room up there. ;)

Best wishes to you and to the happy couple!

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