Sting, Day Two
Forgive the boring-ness of this post. This is for my own records, as much as anything else.
The top photo was taken Sunday at 6pm. I got stung on my leg on Saturday afternoon. The welt is huge -- about nine inches tall and seven inches across. It itches like mad.
This is a localized reaction (meaning that it only affected the area where it occurred) and thus falls into the category of non-serious bee stings. Nevertheless, it's driving me crazy. I'm not sure why my feet look so dirty. Grass stain from the garden, perhaps?
I'm a bit worried about the severity of the reaction, and if that indicates that I'm becoming more sensitized to bee stings. I know that I got a full dose of venom from this sting. I had a devil of a time digging the stinger out of my leg.