Wash Your Mouth Out With Soap

Our poor plum trees! The aphids are really out-of-control this spring, sucking the life out of the plums' youngest, softest growth.

Although these two were hard at work, combating aphids (larval ladybugs are some of the best predators of aphids), we didn't think that they could fight the entire battle.
So, Robb and I sprayed the tree down with soapy water. A day later, most of the aphids were dead.
Gross, huh?

Our poor plum trees! The aphids are really out-of-control this spring, sucking the life out of the plums' youngest, softest growth.

Although these two were hard at work, combating aphids (larval ladybugs are some of the best predators of aphids), we didn't think that they could fight the entire battle.
So, Robb and I sprayed the tree down with soapy water. A day later, most of the aphids were dead.
Gross, huh?
I had black aphids all over several plants, and the damage was so bad on one that I just trimmed off all the infested leaves/branches (for some reason they only attacked a few branches). I spray with a food-safe spray every so often now, since the plants are (I think) too delicate to be sprayed with a strong enough spray of water to shake aphids loose. Also, we don't have a hose.