The feral cats have climbed up inside the chimney again.
Contessa ennui said…
Hahahahaha. Linguini still has her tongue out. And I saw the kitty ears in the flue in the second shot. Is he scared of something or has he decided that the best hiding spot?
I LOVE your fireplace!! Your blogs are always such fun to read. You have a great way of writing and presenting your stories. Even your "crummy" photos are wonderful. Love the 2nd pic - where you can see the ears peeking up. Too cute!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Well, first of all, you have a lovely fireplace - the cats have excellent taste in hiding places! Are they wanting to be closer to you, only not too close....? And finally - at least it's not winter and you are not relying on the fireplace to heat!! Thanks for the fun!
Anonymous said…
When we cleaned out our basement we found the well-hidden 40 year old mummified corpse of my sister's Christmas gift gerbil. "fluffy" wasnt so fluffy anymore. It's weird what sort of "housemates" you will find in the place. Looks like the neighborhood cats have adopted you for good!
Music Woman said…
The feral cats want you to adopt them and let them in the house, but Linguine won't have any of that..... That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.....
LOL... Anyway, our cat Sylvester adopted us in a similar fashion. He came to our deck one day and wanted food. Peter, the softie in the family, put food and a bed for him to sleep in on the deck. Sylvester kept coming back (gosh, I wonder why!!!). (We did put out signs with our phone # trying to find his owner.) Then one night, we were having dinner in our dining room, and we heard a meow and something thump on the screen of our window. There's Sylvester, hanging by his front claws on our screen, looking in at us. Then, he lost his grip and fell into the window well for the window in the basement. We hurried out the door, to find him not hurt, and wanting to come in. We adopted him, and he's been with us ever since.....
Ha! I love it! Don't use that fireplace, do you? :P Had a cat that used to like to curl up in the woodstove when I was trying to clean out the ashes. Crazy cats!
ASL Girl said…
Great pun!!! I love your commentary. The cat peeking over the top inside the chimney is so cute! Which cat was in the chimney?
Why does anyone trust a cat anymore? Oh! I forgot. They have the ability to control human minds. Dumb of me. lol and Go Linguini! I always adopt feril cats. It's a sickness.
LOL... Anyway, our cat Sylvester adopted us in a similar fashion. He came to our deck one day and wanted food. Peter, the softie in the family, put food and a bed for him to sleep in on the deck. Sylvester kept coming back (gosh, I wonder why!!!). (We did put out signs with our phone # trying to find his owner.) Then one night, we were having dinner in our dining room, and we heard a meow and something thump on the screen of our window. There's Sylvester, hanging by his front claws on our screen, looking in at us. Then, he lost his grip and fell into the window well for the window in the basement. We hurried out the door, to find him not hurt, and wanting to come in. We adopted him, and he's been with us ever since.....
Stephani, I spent the first half of the bee meeting wondering if I should go home, and check on the cat situation. Luckily, the meeting picked up.
The cat stayed up there all night, occasionally launching into some serious kitty crying. I didn't get much sleep.
He's the shy one.
Your fireplace is splendid, by the way. It has character and looks *real*. Yay for realness!