Tuba before Coffee

Robb and I woke up early this morning.

Was there really oompah-tuba music playing in our bedroom, before 8am?

Well, yes, there was.

One of our neighbors was hosting a party, and they were playing live music. Tuba, trumpets and a drummer.

I don't know about you, but I think there's something a little cruel about making your neighbors listen to tuba music, before they've even brewed coffee. I guess I should count my blessings. At least I the neighbors didn't hire an accordionist.

(The band is actually really good, thankfully. They've been playing non-stop for an hour and a half. The tuba player weaves in and out of the music, creating some incredible syncopated rhythms.)


Anonymous said…
Well, at least you awoke to some sort of music, and not insane crazed screaming...


I bet you guys were sort of shuffle-dancing to the music as you made coffee- admit it...

John and Diane said…
Hey, I like accordian music too! Tubas before 8am sounds a bit extreme though. We used to have a bagpipe player in the old neighborhood and we kinda liked it... even though he was obviously learning the bagpipes and played the same song over... and over...
Isabel Ginsberg said…
¡Ajua! This is what we affectionately called my parents' music as the "Toom-nah Toom-nah" (Mexican Rancheras) music. We dubbed it after my dad would complain about our "Rata-Ta-Rata-ta" (hip hop) music.

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