House Cats

Lest you get the idea that I'm the only tender-hearted animal-lover around there parts, I want to show you Robb's latest project.
This is a handmade feline shelter, built by Robb out of redwood planks that I literally dug out of our back yard. There isn't a nail or screw anywhere on this project. It's all joinery. The only mechanical fasteners are hand-carved redwood pegs.
Robb has spent a lot of mental and emotional energy, worrying about the local feral cats, and how miserable they must be on cold rainy nights. Over the course of this winter, he's built and re-built a series of kitty-shelters. There were tarps, and also cat-walks to keep the kitties out of the mud. But those all looked pretty janky, and didn't please Robb's aesthetic sensibilities.
We may not have glass in all of our windows, but at least the cats will stay dry.
Robb is a maniac. A cat-loving, wood-working maniac. And I love him for that.

Lest you get the idea that I'm the only tender-hearted animal-lover around there parts, I want to show you Robb's latest project.
This is a handmade feline shelter, built by Robb out of redwood planks that I literally dug out of our back yard. There isn't a nail or screw anywhere on this project. It's all joinery. The only mechanical fasteners are hand-carved redwood pegs.
Robb has spent a lot of mental and emotional energy, worrying about the local feral cats, and how miserable they must be on cold rainy nights. Over the course of this winter, he's built and re-built a series of kitty-shelters. There were tarps, and also cat-walks to keep the kitties out of the mud. But those all looked pretty janky, and didn't please Robb's aesthetic sensibilities.
We may not have glass in all of our windows, but at least the cats will stay dry.
Robb is a maniac. A cat-loving, wood-working maniac. And I love him for that.
~~Doublesaj & Old Blue~~
I bet Robb could sell those kitty shelters, by the way.
(I'm not affiliated with the company, just thought you might be interested in the design, for future ideas.)