Happy Birthday to Lisa

It's also our 19th Anniversary today!


TaylorM said…
Wow. You are the second couple I know (in the East Bay, no less) where it is both the woman's birthday and her anniversary today. Congratubirthdaylations!
Lyn said…
Happy birthday and anniversary! You all are ... I don't know, what's better than the bees knees? The blue jay's feathers? Awesome, anyway.
MommaWriter said…
Yay! Happy birthday, Lisa. And congratulations on 19 years together. Hope you both have a fantastic day...and that it's somehow warmer in the East Bay than it is down here on the south peninsula!

(WyndRyders #1)
Anonymous said…
Fabulous feathery felicitations to you both!

Grumpy Grinch
Anonymous said…
Hey Now, Lisa!
Happy Birthdanniversary!

And Robb, Happy Anniversary.

Congrats, to you both. ;)
wassamatta_u said…
Though we have never met, I feel confident that I would find you both to be a warm, delightful couple. Happy birthday and anniversary.

wassamatta_u said…
Oh, wait... we HAVE met! And I was RIGHT!!!!!!!!

You two rock! You are my "cool" friends, the ones I can brag about to other nerds. "Yeah, I know an honest to goodness Theater Person! And a guy with a Radical Tricycle!"

Yep, my street cred has skyrocketed since I met you!

Happiest of all possible Birthdays and Anniversaries!!!!!
Kaaren said…
19 years?? What, were you 10 when you met?

Feliz Cumpleaños and Happy Anniversary!
Pica said…
Congratulations, and congratulations!
Anonymous said…
Absolutely the best Birthday and Anniversary to a wonderful gal and couple.

Hugs always,
Wendy In The Eastbay
Anonymous said…
Happy Happy Birthday! Happy Happy Birthday! Happy aniversary to you too!

(did you hear me sing that to you?)

Have a good one!

-Jen of MLM
knitica said…
Happy Birthday and Anniversary. Hope you look as satisfied as those lizards. To quote Chris's grandmother, you two are "the cat's ass on wheels!"
Dbare said…
Happy Birthaversary! And I though Public Hand and I had cut it close (wedding anniversary on May 16th and her B-day on May 21st) Of course this means Robb is double dog-housed if he forgets your anniversary......
mamakin said…
Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary!!
May all your best years be ahead of you!

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