posters wanted!
Hey blog readers! I need your help.
Could you go out in the next few days and tear down some show posters, and mail them to me?
We're covering the gigantic walls of our upcoming show with this sort of thing, and we would like as many real posters as possible.
Also desirable, are graphic stickers, and other cool images on paper that are bold enough to "read" from twenty feet away. Random weird stuff on paper is good, too.
Artists, take your images and blow them up on the photocopier, and then mail them to me!
The same goes for you, letterboxers.
Please mail to
Berkeley Repertory Scenic Studios
Lisa Lazar, Scenic Artist
2526 Wood Street
Oakland CA 94607
(We will be gluing everything to the walls, so please don't send me anything that you want back.)
Could you go out in the next few days and tear down some show posters, and mail them to me?
We're covering the gigantic walls of our upcoming show with this sort of thing, and we would like as many real posters as possible.
Also desirable, are graphic stickers, and other cool images on paper that are bold enough to "read" from twenty feet away. Random weird stuff on paper is good, too.
Artists, take your images and blow them up on the photocopier, and then mail them to me!
The same goes for you, letterboxers.
Please mail to
Berkeley Repertory Scenic Studios
Lisa Lazar, Scenic Artist
2526 Wood Street
Oakland CA 94607
(We will be gluing everything to the walls, so please don't send me anything that you want back.)
The Dread Pirate Queen, from AQ
The Academy Theatre.
I don't need them back and hope the help. Best,
Robert Drake,
Artistic Director
Good luck!. What's your deadline? I only ask since some people are on va-ca & would't be able to help til after they come back.
Some really good ones where he did some music stuf with Red Grooms for a show- I'll photo them, and print them out on my printer and mail 'em off to you. Also some good ones featuring Ronald Reagen as an evil overlord from the 80's- Hope he doesnt scare anyone off your stage!