We have an air conditioner in our bedroom window (was there when we bought the house, gets used approx once/twice per year). Every year a nest gets built on it (could it be the same bird?). Right now the baby birds are squeeking right next to our heads. Cute at the moment, probably not so cute by the end of the week. But then they will be off making their own little nests before we have time to get too annoyed. I hope your bird moves on!
Anonymous said…
Better a chirping birdy then an idiot screaming drunken neighbor you have to keep calling the police for. Been there, done that...
I'll see your chirping towhee and raise you an idiotic woodpecker who is marking his territory by banging his beak against our raingutters outside the window. It sounds like machine gun fire at 6:00 AM.
Crazy birds... :-)
Anonymous said…
Laugh! I love my early AM Towhee! But, I know my husband wishes they'd hush with their unending chirps.
Where we are this week it is frogs (or toads, haven't actually seen them). Every time one goes off, so does Miss T who has never heard frogs before. They were also my alarm clock this morning. This was a good thing as we are off to box new territory (for us) and it will be a long day.
Tweet, Chirp!
Grumpy Grinch
Does that work on 4am cats??
Crazy birds... :-)