In between the organizing and the shopping


We went bird watching.

Both at the egret rookery, and at my secret hummingbird park.

What can I say? We needed a break from all the dust. In cleaning out our closets, we unearthed dust bunnies that were older than some of our friends' children.


Mel said…
Wow - once again I'm in awe of your gorgeous bird shots! Your Inishmore photos were really fun, too - I wish I'd seen it when it was at Signature last year. *hugs* to you & Robb!
Marissa Dupont said…
What a beauty!
Anonymous said…
Did you guys hear about the baby robins orn at the white house this past week?

TaylorM said…
Did you take those pictures? they are Beautiful! they are like looking at National Geographic...
Lisa said…
I take almost every photograph on this blog. So, yeah, I was the idiot sneaking up on hummingbirds in the abandonned park last Saturday.
Carol said…
Lisa, These are joyous and stunning photographs! I am sure you felt great joy taking them and just being that close to these vibrant hummers! ;>)

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