

The thing I find so awe-inspiring about blogs is the way blog-writers invite friends and strangers into their lives. Sure there are people writing about where they had dinner, and what the cat did, but there's also a lot of brave, raw, honest thinking-out-loud going on.

Thank you to all of our blog readers, and particularly to those who are moved to leave comments. I am unbelievably touched by what you have to say.

Robb and I are headed out of town for a couple of days, to see the winter bird migration. My dreams are full of cranes and geese and ibises. (And also that danged sweater that I can't seem to finish!)


Anonymous said…
We love reading your blog!

BTW.... I love that japanese block print at the top of the page :-)

Anonymous said…
It's true! We love your blog. And I don't say that enough. Have a good trip and HI from the weirdness of SoCal coastal living! Wish you were here to tell me the birds I'm looking at when I walk past the estuary.

Happy holidays! Becky
Anonymous said…
If you make it all the way up to Chico give a ring. There is a Great Blue Heron living in our pastures with the horses. Actually today Nicole saw it get in to a scuffle with the resident Red Tail Hawk. Have a nice trip.
Anonymous said…
By god make sure your batteries are charged!

Webfoot said…
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a sweater that won't get finished! ;-) I think it's the fear of having to do the blocking and finishing that keeps me from doing the last few rows!!

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