Comfort and Joy


I started knitting in the airport, when I was traveling to France to see my dad and stepmother. And a few weeks later, I had a new comforting wooby sweater.

The stripes are made of two different yarns, an almost solid green, and a variegated multicolored yarn. I found knitting this sweater, which I designed myself, completely engrossing. Watching the yarn switch color was fascinating, and I took great pains to make the colors on the front and back of the sweater line up. Likewise, the two sleeves match each other perfectly. Most people wouldn't bother with this sort of thing, but I'm a bit of a maniac when it comes to pattern.

Robb and I went cycling along the shore of the San Francisco Bay today, and stopped at one of the little cove-beaches for a picnic lunch. Five days before Christmas, and we're enjoying lunch on the beach.

That's right, I was enjoying the beach, without a winter coat!


Beach Gal said…
What a beautiful sweater! I would be the same way about the stripes (if I knitted!)
cath said…
Great sweater!!
I'm just a little jealous--we are digging out of the snow here.
Lyn said…
Wow, that is an amazing sweater, plus great pictures as always. If I didn't know you already, I would think that being a spokesmodel for awesomeness was your profession rather than your avocation.
Anonymous said…
Love the word "wooby" and that lovely sweater you made.

Kaaren said…
So nice! Kniting is one craft I cannot do but would love to know how.
John and Diane said…
Great sweater!
Anonymous said…
I can knit my brows, thats about it.

Edmund said…
your sweater looks great
Emily said…
Hi Lisa- I am a lapsed letterboxer, but have recently started knitting again and am looking for some advice. I have only ever knit one "lace" type thing (and I think that was in college in '95) and everything else has been variations on simple knit and purl scarves. I would really like to try making a hat, though and some sort of shrug type thing for work (my office is ALWAYS freezing, 12 months a year). I have searched through online listings, but there are so many that I am overwhelmed. Do you have any recommendations for patterns for a new (again) knitter?
I'd appreciate any input!

Happy holidays to you both, and wishing you a new year full of love and laughter!
Emily (Ladyaero)
Sharon said…
I saw this photo on Flickr and followed the link here to your blog to read about it. It is just beautiful and I am so impressed that you did the stripe match up routine on front/back and arms!

You are a knitter after my own heart!
Lisa said…
Ladyaero -- you should check out

It's awesome!
Eliza said…
I love the sweater! I am knitting some Noro socks currently, and just love watching the stripes change. I am sure I"ll be doing something bigger as well... your sweater gets me thinking.

I'm also jealous of your sunshine. It's been so cloudy on the East Coast...

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