Elephant Seals!

Originally uploaded by BGale
Gadzooks, but I can be such an idiot.

I make plans for Robb and me and Ashley to get together with Sten and Rebecca who are visiting for Thanksgiving, pick and fascinating spot where the Elephant Seals spend the winters, and I bring along many, several pounds of camera gear, because I know how great the day is going to be.


Really, I just carry around those lenses as a form of strength-training.


Anonymous said…
Tee Hee! I thought I was the only one that did that!

Actually, my rechargable batteries (some of them brand new) are not holding a charge for more than 3 shots. Does my camera need cleaning or something?

I have a new battery charger and new batteries and still the camera isnt doing what its supposed to. And this on days where cold is not an issue- thereby sucking all the batteries down.

Gina said…
It must be the theme for the day! My folks are here on a surprise visit and I left the rechargable battery at home, too!

Big, big, big hugs to Sten and Rebecca and Robb and the elephant seals...I almost called all of you yesterday! (Well, not the elephant seals...but only because they'd have problems holding the phone without opposable thumbs. Does an oppossable nose count?)

Talk soon...

Anonymous said…
I have found that rechargable batteries eventually lose their chargability, depending on how many times you recharge them. I've never had a problem with my Nikons (had these batteries for 4 and a 1/2 years now without a problem), but I have this problem a lot with my Dell laptops. I try to keep them for years and years, and eventually, the batteries refuse to charge and it costs me as much for a new battery than it does for a new laptop!

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