

Remember how we wrote about our kitty Linguine's popularity on the internet?

Well, she's just gotten even more popular. She made it onto Neatorama. Click here to play the "caption Linguine" game.

Dang. What does it say about us, that our cat is the most famous person in our home?


Anonymous said…
Could be worse...just think of the compromising pictures Linguine *could* be posing in on the internet!
Marissa Dupont said…
That's so cool! I love Neat-O-Rama!!! :)
Anonymous said…
Alas a winner already was chosen "Strawberry Felines, Forever!"
I am just amazed at the berry though. Did you preserve it in alcohol (a nice vodka, pehaps) for posterity? Save teh seeds to plant for future cat-headed berries?
Suzi of AQ
Syndee said…
Congrats on the new celebrity in your household! I was thinking more along the lines of 'Hello Kitty' and 'Strawberry Shortcake'--'Hello Shortcake' or 'Strawberry Kitty'. I guess working with 9 year olds can do that to a person. Being a Beatles fan, I really like the creativity of the winning title.
Anonymous said…
Wonder how long until Linguini ends up on LOLCats? That would be two kittehs (Only one of which I have actually met), whose people I know are LOLCats...the other one is named Titus...and he was not put together with the instructions...according to Icanhascheeseburger.


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