Mmmm, Winglets...


I ran across this a week or so ago. This is one of those products which, at one time I might have scoffed at. **What possible, legitimate use could anybody have for a self-balancing personal people mover? Surely, this is only for the lazy...**

Now I'm wondering if it isn't just tailor-made for me. You stand on it–– something I can do; it balances for you–– something I can't do very well; it moves you along at a brisk walking pace–– another thing I can't quite do.

It's call the Winglet, which I sounds to me exactly like a soy-based chicken substitute.

Now all they have to do is start building and selling them. I think Toyota is test marketing them in Japan.


I don't care if it is self-balancing or not - I would still manage to fall on my face! Good luck to you if you get the chance to try one. :)
Anonymous said…
Kind of reminds me of a segway for children. ;-)

Knit Wit said…
I can see a definite plus to this over the Segway. Portability! That thing is tiny!

I agree with Trekkie Gal though. I'd manage to fall on my face if I tried it.

Knit Wit
Syndee said…
Very cool, but I would so topple head over heels on that thing. Hit a rut,and you're a goner:)

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