International Coastal Cleanup


Many of you leave awesome comments on our blog, but the bestest of the best commenter is my college friend, Annalisa. And right now, Robb and I are hosting her, in between her globe-trekking adventures.

So, what adventure are we offering Annalisa? Well, this morning, she and I are meeting up with my friend Cricket and we're participating in the International Coastal Cleanup. Robb and I have done this almost every year, since we moved to California. We clean the beaches, and document the crap that we find. And then all the data is sent to our lawmakers, to help them formulate legislation to protect streams, rivers, and oceans.

That's right....when you come to visit our house, we make you pick up trash on the beaches.

We've got other adventures planned for the rest of the weekend, which we'll write about later.

This poor seal was found at a Coastal Cleanup event with a plastic jar stuck on its face. I'm unsure of how this story played out. We'll hope that this soulful little fellow had a happy ending to his story.


Syndee said…
I have to agree that I love reading Annalisa's comments. She always makes me laugh with her wit. I'm sure that she'll probably make the clean up a lot of fun...can't wait to hear her comments afterwards.
Gina said…
Have a great time! can't wait to read all about it! Don't to anything Annalisa wouldn't do... :)
Anonymous said…
I have done this for years too- picked up almost 30lbs of garbage this year with beach captain dad

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