In One Week


In one week, Robb and I will be attending the big fundraiser we've been talking about for so long.

And we're nowhere near our fundraising goal. We've only raised half the money we raised last year.

We know that there's a huge amount of uncertainty in the economy, right now. We know that people are probably sick of hearing us flogging this cause. We understand that people have other things on their minds.

But imagine how uncertain things are for the parents of kids with disabilities.

Please, if you possibly can, click on the photo on the right side of the blog, and make a small donation. I work as an artist, and because of his injuries, Robb doesn't work at all right now. And we donated three hundred dollars. Robb and I live very, very frugally, but feel that helping out others is terribly important.


Anonymous said…
I challenge Jeff Breeland, actor extroadinare and famous drunken dancer, of Baltimore, Maryland to donate to the cause!

Annalisa (former drunker dance partner!)
Kaaren said…
Can you e-mail me the HTML link for the picture that directs to your web site?

DavidandKaaren at
Katy said…
I wish there had been a group like this in our area after my brother broke his neck. Biking was something we had always enjoyed as a family and it was very difficult for my family to find a way to do this after his accident. What a great organization!
Gina said…
I'm assuming there's still a way to contribute to the team in the week following the ride. We're having a yardsale this weekend to clear out the junk and take the edge off the living expenses and Liam wants to give half of his intake to a charity - he chose Team Robb! I know we can contribute to BORP anytime, but he wants to make sure your team gets credit because "They're cool and like all the same animals I do."
Gina said…
BTW, how's the ride preparations coming? You think you guys are gonna do the 25 miler?

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