On the Other Hand


There's a convention in literature that idle aristocrats have satin-smooth hands, while laboring serfs' hands have been roughened and distorted by their work. To my mind, it seemed awfully convenient that the most casual reader can discern so much about the book's characters by observing their strong jaws, or noble brows, or aristocratic hands. I always scoffed at this sort of thing as being on par with characters who succumb to fits of hysterical fainting and brain fever.

However, there really seems to be something to this soft-hands-of-those-who-don't-toil thing.

Since Robb has not been working, his hands have become freakishly soft.

You can look at the photo of my lunchtime companion (pictured above) to get an idea of the texture of my skin. I may have long aristocratic fingers, but I am a manual laborer.


Anonymous said…
Hey Rob might not be earning money, but he sure is working hard!!
Anonymous said…
We must be related Lisa! We affectionally call one of my daughters "alligator girl" because she shares the curse of the scaly skin.
Lisa said…
Actually, my hands aren't that bad. I was just looking for a reason to feature another photo of Mister Lizard.
Webfoot said…
Your luncheon companion must be one of those noble, rugged literary characters who are good-hearted, not classically handsome, but all the more attractive for being out of the ordinary...
Anonymous said…

That little guy wasn't trying to sell you insurance, was he?


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