Carl Sandburg would approve
Each winter, our kitty Linguine grows a thick layer of insulating fur. She's a barn cat from Upstate New York, so those furry genes must have served her well when she had to survive outside.
It has been raining and foggy-cloudy for quite some time. The weather weighs on both Robb and me.
Nothing ever bothers Linguine. She's always content with her situation. I could learn a thing or three from that cat.
The fog comes
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
on little cat feet.
It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Each winter, our kitty Linguine grows a thick layer of insulating fur. She's a barn cat from Upstate New York, so those furry genes must have served her well when she had to survive outside.
It has been raining and foggy-cloudy for quite some time. The weather weighs on both Robb and me.
Nothing ever bothers Linguine. She's always content with her situation. I could learn a thing or three from that cat.
your friend in the north east
Licking your butt like a cat= bad.
If you start doing the latter, please don't tell me the details!
I'm just trying to be silly here, of course I want to know!
We got 3 inches of rain here and are considering calling the basement "the pool" just to deal with reality a bit more honestly.
Annalisa and Gary