Nine Minutes and Seventeen Seconds of Fame


The Bay Area Backroads segment on letterboxing aired today, and I thought they did a wonderful job.

You can watch it online by clicking here.

After viewing the show, I am left with one nagging question.

Are my teeth really that big?


Kath said…
I think your teeth look just the right size... but can we talk about how they photoshopped in those extra chins on me?

Thanks for getting me involved with this little Bay Area adventure!
Anonymous said…
Hey, your teeth look fine, the story looked great, and I was relieved to see you in your trademark black clothes again! Your earlier blog photo of you wearing colors freaked me out!

I liked the story, and I am entertaining the idea of becoming a letterboxer myself! Does the website help people to learn how to participate?

Went to my neighbors place and saw some alpacas yesterday, we should have them stamp their feet in your books! Guess I'll have to bring one of them along with me on a letterbox hunt.

Anonymous said…
You look lovely as usual!
and I could identify your hands in the close up shots by that Lisa ring.
Good story..
Anonymous said…
Well, that was pretty cool and you still have five minutes and forty three seconds of fame coming to you. Although in the letterboxing community that was used up long ago. Thanks for providing the link, I really wanted to see that clip.
Anonymous said…
I miss this show! We used to watch it all the time!

You guys looked GREAT!!!

Team Springamajack
Troop 2440 said…
That was a great segment. I'm glad we could see it. So you're getting a bit long in the tooth, eh? So am I , although I'm 39 for about another hour. Sigh.

Unknown said…
Wonderful story. I had no idea what this activity was! Looks like great fun!

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