Letters from the Underworld


I have to custom-dye two thousand love letters before I leave for New York on Wednesday. Sheri and I spent eight hours on this project today. (It takes us an hour to do one hundred and sixty eight letters, so we've got a ways to go yet.) Since it was a rather dreary day, we didn't feel too bad about working on the weekend.

Robb came by the shop with a picnic, and we drove out to Middle Harbor Shoreline Park. Although it wasn't perfect picnic weather, it was still a nice diversion. Sheri found a letterbox of mine. And we all marveled at the life size photo-blowups of coyotes that the park managers had set out, presumably to scare away the Canada Geese. Totally, delightfully, unbelievably absurd! (And -- dag nabbit -- I didn't have my camera.


Unknown said…
Oooh, we'll have to go out to MHSP soon - I'm sure tyson will like the "doggies!"
Anonymous said…
I don't understand. Why are you dying letters? And 2000 of them at that??! I am sure there is a totally logical reason, I just don't know what it is! Thanks for enlightening me! :-)
Anonymous said…
Lisa is doing a project for an off-Broadway remounting of a show we painted 3 years ago at Berkeley Rep.

These letters are to be attached to the back wall of the set and (some) are used as props for the characters to read and stick to the wall. The effect is really beautiful. >>>>>>>>
Anonymous said…
Thanks for explaining! I knew there had to be a good reason! :-)
Sounds really nice!
Anonymous said…
I get it- your "dying" to dye some letters to the dead. Hmmm.... forget the death stuff and start a garden already!

In case you are curious, any letters I write to the dead will be to ask for some winning lotto numbers.


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