Our Blog Spawned a Blog!
I'm sure there is a word for when I blog inspires someone to create a blog, but as I really dislike most bloggy slang (blogosphere? oh, please...spare me), I'm not going to put much effort into finding out.
What I'm trying to say, in my not-yet-caffeinated manner is that our friend Terry has started an urban nature journal, The Black Squirrel Diaries.
Her first entry includes some brilliant non-traditional nature identification. Or perhaps she's a whiz of an urban naturalist, and I'm not familiar with the sub-species endemic to Central Park in NYC...
Click here to read all about it!
What I'm trying to say, in my not-yet-caffeinated manner is that our friend Terry has started an urban nature journal, The Black Squirrel Diaries.
Her first entry includes some brilliant non-traditional nature identification. Or perhaps she's a whiz of an urban naturalist, and I'm not familiar with the sub-species endemic to Central Park in NYC...
Click here to read all about it!
I appreciate any help I can get and will try to find suitable adventures to keep you smiling. :-)
**HNB = Half Naked Boy
I *can* identify a half naked boy....