
One of the things that has been so moving for me and Robb has been the astonishing kindness and generosity of our friends. Of course, I knew we had wonderful friends, but I guess I never fully appreciated how wonderful!

This week, my sister Martha sent a beautiful package of hand-knitted love. Robb continues to be very cold in the evenings, and so Martha knit him a delightful pair of socks. Very clever construction on those heels, Martha!!!

She also made me the most beautiful, delicate, elegant knitted lace shawl. This is the sweetest long-distance embrace I have ever received. I'll have to figure out how to get a picture of this that does justice to Martha's gorgeous creation.

Robb's mother sends us all sorts of wonderful goodies, for which we are so very thankful.

Folks continue to send kind cards, which bring a lot of happiness to Robb's day. He's stuck at home, with nobody but the cats for company, so cards, messages, and phone calls are very appreciated.

Several people are even making up letterboxing challenges for us. Today, we went out on a little walk looking for a letterbox that our friends Doublesaj and Old Blue hid for Robb. I cannot say how touched we were by this. They made the clues out of a very elaborate puzzle that he and I had to solve, and the letterbox itself was hidden in a place that was quite easy for Robb to find.

This little fellow was guarding the letterbox. He obligingly stayed still while I dug out my camera, but once I started snapping photos, he moved along.

I'm not sure what type of garter snake he is. My photo doesn't convey just how beautiful his markings are. He had yellow stripes on top, and bright red patterned stripes on his sides.

There were many lovely things to see while we were out. We're so thankful that our friends enticed us to this lovely spot.

Blue Eyed Grass

California Blackberries

And bees busily at work on the Hedge Nettle


Anonymous said…

I find your photography awesome! Can't wait for this week to pass!

BullDawg said…
those pictures are breath-taking!...what color!
Anonymous said…
You know, that little snake sitting on the box was a cool omen we think. You see, we were both born in the Year of the Snake so we think it's perfectly appropriate that our little friend was guarding the box when our selected First Finders arrived. He waited for you and saw that you got there alright then moved on, as Robb is moving on.
Oh, and your adorable kitty story in the blog? We showed the photo to our kitties and, I'm telling you, they giggled!

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